Sail away with Paul Chopin.

A blog highlighting the steps taken to purchase a yacht, getting out to sail her and the adventures, not to mention the cost(!) in putting her to sea.
Water pump purchased with a visit to a NT property.
Back home I was straight on the internet trying to locate a water pump for my engine. Lots of different places that claimed they had all the parts that I required but none of them local to me. I eventually phoned two different places, one in Essex the other in Berkshire. I went with the Berkshire company as it gave me the opportunity to visit Basildon Park House, a NT property and collect the parts that I wanted. The parts were less than half the cost had I bought them in Greece. I also managed to get them shipped out by the same company but it did mean that I had to return to them the following day. Never mind, another opportunity to see a further NT property, Osterley Park House. The parts are now at the boatyard, I’ve had contact with the electrician although not the engineer yet, and I’ve booked flights to go back out to Greece on 22nd October for another go. Who knows, maybe this time I’ll get to sail Electron…………………………