Sail away with Paul Chopin.

A blog highlighting the steps taken to purchase a yacht, getting out to sail her and the adventures, not to mention the cost(!) in putting her to sea.
Final weeks preparation for the ARC+ 2018
Time is closing in. Over the last few weeks more and more preparation has made its mark. I’ve looked at provisioning the boat, taking into account that one of the crew will only eat two types of meat, pig and beef. A couple of weeks ago I met up with Wally and discussed the menus that I had planned for the passage. All the required ingredients have been put in a spread sheet a la ‘Phillip Hammond’ style, separate pages for; meat, veg, tins, pasta, oils, herbs, spices etc, etc. This ought to make it relatively easy to buy what is needed, quickly, without forgetting anything. We shall see! Have also spoken to Ian and emailed Guido.
In nine days time I shall be driving out to Gibraltar to unload the yacht of all the ‘non essential’ items that have accumulated on Corryvreckan in the past two years. I’m not sure whether there will be any weight gained as I shall also be taking out a car load of ‘essential’ equipment that I’ve been asked to have as a participant in the Arc+.
Monday 01.10.18
Today I visited my old school, St. Gabriel’s College, and gave a presentation to the year 9 students about my forthcoming Atlantic crossing. They’re aware that I’m raising funds for the college and were attentive and inquisitive during the hour. The talk included a look at the largest and smallest vessels to cross (or attempting to cross) the Atlantic, a brief history of John Harrison and his timepiece, latitude and longitude, and the planning that goes into such a passage.
Tuesday 02.10.18
Had a surprise phone call from an old sailing friend, Cedric. He wanted dates of departure from La Linea and Gran Canaria. We had spoken about sailing together to Gran Canaria but I thought maybe it was all forgotten. Another call later that day to confirm that he was part of the crew. Excellent. Cedric has already completed two circumnavigations himself in his own yachts, the last one two or three years ago.
Wednesday 03.10.18
Hopefully the last lot of safety equipment that I need for the Arc+. One life buoy light, sea drogue, rigging cutters, a number of split pins and rings. Still need to contact ‘MailASail’ to sort out Satellite phone number, buy credit, and set up an email account at sea.
Thursday 04.10.18
Two more packages arrive. Three brand new service batteries as replacements for those on the boat, pipes and tee sections for the water maker. Thought I’d better order these as I might have to fit this myself as I’ve not heard from Eric, despite emails and text messages sent.
Friday 05.10.18.
Finally I get a call from Eric in La Linea. He is the chap I’ve asked to fit the Hydrovane and Water maker. He also had my head sail, which needed the foot to be repaired. I’m pleased to report that he tells me the sail is back on the yacht and he plans to have the two jobs completed by the 12th.
Saturday 6th. October.
Still haven’t heard from Juan Carlos in Gran Canaria as to the number of coats of Coppercoat he intends putting on the hull. Have sent him a ‘reminder’ email today as I am concerned the longer I leave it, the less likely it will get done. Having bought a new folding prop I really want the hull anti fouled because, with the boat out of the water, the new prop can be fitted.

Cedric, myself and Wally. Crew from Gibraltar to Gran Canaria.