Sail away with Paul Chopin.

A blog highlighting the steps taken to purchase a yacht, getting out to sail her and the adventures, not to mention the cost(!) in putting her to sea.
Corryvreckan: Winter 2016

During the 'down time' when the yacht was out of the water between June and September I had a solar panel gantry made. This rigid structure would enable me to hang the tender off the stern, which made it much easier on top decks and less of a 'drag' through water! However, I foolishly forgot to tell the builder to incorporate my wind generator into the system, which he is now going to retro-fit this winter.
Helen has been busy making covers for the wheels in the cockpit and the cockpit table, a bag to place all the halyards in to store by the mast and I bought some covers for the winches. In addition I bought some tarpaulins and have managed to cover the top deck. Not sure how long they will survive but if they last a couple of winters that will give me time to save up and get some proper covers made.
I've commissioned a lot of additional work to be carried out by various persons in the boatyard.
1. Sail maker to repair very small hole in mainsail, put a UV cover on the
head sail, repair the zip puller on the main sail cover, add an additional
spinnaker halyard for the 'parasailor' I intend purchasing. (Christian)
2. The inboard engine to be serviced (Dimitris)
3. The outboard engine to be serviced and twist throttle to be adjusted
4. The manual toilet to be replaced with an electric one, the anchor windlass
to be operable from the cockpit, the wind generator to be wired in
5. A mast for the wind generator to be retro fitted to the solar panel gantry
6. Not yet instructed but I have a Garmin radome to be installed and all the
bits and pieces are on the boat so it might as well be done in April on my
Off to the boat show in January (this month!!!) with a rather large shopping list. However, most of it will have to wait until much later in the year when I've saved up quite a lot more money!!
On the wish list are the following;
1. Washing machine twin tub. - Now bought for Helen.
2. Parasailor - will be ordered in January - as in 2018 I intend to start sailing in a west bound direction.
3. AIS transponder - have a receiver on board but want a system so that those interested can follow my progress. Will buy in January.
4. Another tender - one that has the oars locked in situ. Will sell the one I bought in 2014 and try to recoup some money.
5. A decent passerelle - bought an old secondhand one but not really suitable. I'm in two minds as to how to attach it as 6 and 7 may cause an
6. A hydrovane or similar self steering system. If sailing long distances don't want just to rely on my autopilot.
7. A Watt and Sea generator or similar. Much prefer one attached to the stern as I believe a towed one would interfer with any fishing lines.
8. Mast mounted LED tricolour.
9. Water generator?
10. SSB radio?
Saturday 7th. January 2017.
Just come back from attending the World Cruising Club at the Novotel Hotel just outside the Excel centre, London. Wanted to attend as needed to know a little bit more about making the trip across the pond and beyond. Looks like I can do the Atlantic but my yacht might be a bit too small to continue with the WCC. Looks like I'll have to do the next part without the company of WCC sailors.
Further update:
Have been in contact with WCC regarding entering my Bavaria 37 Cruiser in the world rally because of the 'size'limits they put on yachts that enter. Have been informed that my yacht is too small - size does matter!!!
Need to rethink whether I go independently now or do part ARC and part independent. Have time on my side to make this decision as not leaving the Med until autumn 2018.
Saturday 14th. January 2017.
Oh dear, another expensive day for this owner. Visited the London Boat show and spent a small fortune - at least for me!
First acquisition. A parasailor sail. Need this to provide me with a bit more speed rather than relying on current sail set up. Hopefully this will see me cross the pond before my provisions run out.
Second purchase. A Honda Honwave T 2.7 tender. Not essential as I had bought a tender at the Southampton Boat show in 2014, but this one has quality written all over it.
Third purchase. A Garmin AIS transponder. Although I have an AIS receiver I was thinking that those left at home when I make the crossing will be able to track my progress. Hopefully this will avert any fears as to where I am, which was not the case when I crossed the Bay of Biscay back in 2015!
Several other bits and bobs, such as; some additional mooring lines, a couple of collapsible buckets, three cuboid fenders, fender lines, roll flat hosepipe.
Didn't book myself on to any sailing courses as I had intended doing. Still need to buy a mast ladder (or equivalent). My other major purchases will have to wait until next year.
Tuesday 21st. February 2017.
Called in to Clipper Marine, Port Solent to pick up the repaired / replaced anchor windlass, the water tank sender. Should also have got a replacement zip for the pacamain but it wasn't in the bag. Have phoned up and informed Clipper Marine of it's absence and informed they would send 'another' one out. Have bought plenty of bits and pieces to fly the parasailor but still need to get the sheets and guys. As we were down in the area decided to visit Portsmouth historicdockyard and take a look at HMS Warrior and HMS Victory. On Victory there's a plaque where Nelson fell. Nobody puts a plaque when I fall over, and I do it regularly!!!